Beauty From the Inside Out

It’s not true what they say about beauty being only skin deep. I think for any woman (or man) to look and feel their best, the process starts with making sure our insides are as healthy as possible. Regardless of your age, it’s never too late – or too early – to start taking care of yourself.

Seems as good a time as any to bring this up, but maybe even a little more timely given the fact that a new year is upon us and most folks are feeling compelled to make some healthier choices. I’m not going to tell you what to eat – that’s up to you – but I will urge you to pay close attention to your food sources and do your research. I’m a freak when it comes to food – I’m not quite an orthorexic, but I’m pretty close. I can probably count on two hands the foods I’m willing to eat – the rest terrify me thanks to GMOs.

It’s entirely too easy to go down the food source rabbit hole, but I’m not going to get political here; instead, I prefer to keep things positive and helpful. That being said, from time to time, I might offer up a resource that I come across that I’ve found to be of interest and potentially beneficial to others.

Like the Budwig Protocol. That link will take you to a page with a bunch of information about the “diet” (it’s not really a diet – more of a protocol) and the incredible scientist, Dr. Johanna Budwig, who developed it. In short, it’s said to stop cancer and reverse it as well as prevent it altogether. This goes beyond the “drink plenty of water and get 8 hours of sleep” beauty advice typically found in blogs or magazines, I realize, but if we’re going to talk about being healthy – let’s get serious about it.


Besides – what can it hurt? A couple tablespoons of cottage cheese, a couple tablespoons of freshly ground flax seeds, and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. Once a day. That’s it. If that’s all it takes to prevent getting cancer, I thought – why not give it a try. I just made my first serving and it was quite pleasant so I know I’ll have no problems sticking with it.

Read the article I’ve linked and any others you can find if it’s something that appeals to you. There are caveats – like, the ingredients must be organic and, if you already have cancer, you should increase the flaxseed oil to 6 or 7 tablespoons – oh, and there’s a list of foods you need to steer clear of to ensure the most beneficial results.

Over the last eight years, I’ve done extensive research on the Gerson Therapy as well (also a cancer curing protocol); the bottom line here, is that the right foods can absolutely ensure your good health and well being. Of course, yes, please drink plenty of water and get lots of rest – that goes without saying!

Ok – I just wanted to throw a post in about this since I’m giving it a go. I don’t have cancer – I am (knock wood) incredibly healthy and want to keep this machine of mine as clean and high-functioning as possible so that I can not only look my best as I’m aging, but feel good, too!

I’ll post an update in a couple of months or so; I live in Colorado where the dry weather can really wreak havoc on a girl’s skin and hair – I’m hoping the flax will help me see some improvements there.

If you have tried either the Budwig Protocol or Gerson Therapy, please feel free to share your experience in the comments section; I’m a firm believer in sharing information – especially when it comes from personal experience. “)